Our Services

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Weekly Communion Service

All immersed believers are invited to partake of the emblems of the Lord’s Supper (unleavened bread and grape juice) as we remember the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus as payment for our sins.
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Bible Teaching

We primarily use the New International Version of the Bible, but other versions may also be quoted.
Church Youth Programs

Prayer Time

Prayers for each other’s needs is a weekly part of our worship service, which provides not only opportunity to pray for each other also but to help each other in times of need.
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We do use instrumental music with a praise band consisting of pianos, drums, guitars, bass guitar, trumpet and flute accompanied by vocal singers who lead our praise and worship. We use a blend of contemporary music and traditional hymns supported by audio and video equipment.
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Family Atmosphere

Many in the congregation are physically related to each other, but we also emphasize that we are all spiritually related to each other as brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus.